
Optical Drawing Aids.

Emutopia and Kiwiland graphics.

Python Logo of Doom inspired by the 1982 Conan the Barbarian movie.

Bureau of Statistics drawings while I worked there on the 2016 Census.

Giant squid pics from the Wellington Museum in New Zealand. (I'm a Peter Watts fan.)

Neuromancer Head Shot is the modified photo that I used on my web page for many years. Now retired from active use since I'm now quite a bit older, but it's still an image that I'm proud of.

Red blue stereograms can be created with a regular 2D paint program and are fun to play with.

Old drawings done in the previous millennium as Macintosh propaganda.

Daleks at Conflux photographed by me.

All feedback welcome:
laranzu AT ozemail DOT com DOT au

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