These are new rules for fighter movement in Full Thrust when using vector movement rather than cinematic. The intent is to constrain fighters to move in a somewhat more realistic fashion, but without imposing additional record keeping.
Fighters in vector movement have both course and facing, like ships, but always move with facing equal to course. They can however attack any target within range over a full 360 degree arc around the group.
Unlike cinematic, fighters in vector movement do have a turning cost. A fighter group may move up to maximum distance anywhere within their 60° front arc, ie not changing course by more than 1 clock point. They may move up to two-thirds maximum distance within the 60° fore port and fore starboard, changing course by up to 2 clock points; and up to one-third maximum distance when changing course by up to 3 clock points (90°). At the end of movement, align the group facing with the clock point nearest to their direction of travel.
The figure below shows moves that can be made by a standard fighter group with move distance 24 MU and initial course and facing of 12.
Fighter movement
Changing course by more than 3 clock points costs the entire move distance, the group just pivoting on the spot. (Technically they spend half the turn moving forward while decelerating, and the other half building up speed in the new direction, bringing them back to where they started.)
These rules can also be used for multistage missiles or similar small fast things that do not use plotted movement.